Construction of Musaac hospitals: Singapore mission to stay in Cameroon


As part of the visit of some sites to house the construction of 16 hospitals Mutuelle actors of the economy (Musaac), a team from Singapore and Cameroon Health Ong make the raids on the ground from 6 to 15 June 2019.

The site of Mbalmayo was the launching point of this journey that will lead the delegation alternately to Dschang, Bafoussam, Foumban, Bangangte, Douala, Kribi and Edea. For the Singapore team led by Hennie Botes who is a true entrepreneur who combines the passion and resilience of the Moladi company. This company is a global technology provider to entrepreneurs and the general community or cooperatives and trains the unemployed to implement the simplistic process of building moladi. Produce a house in one day. Moladi works in more than 20 countries. For the donor team, it must be reassured that the selected sites meet international standards for the construction of the health infrastructure of reference. Geographical accessibility, the development of related infrastructures (housing, playgrounds), demography, the expectations of the populations are among the elements that this delegation seeks.

For Sylvestre Ndi Alima, Project Manager, this initiative is innovative. It aims to improve the health coverage and social security of populations. This is to ensure the construction and management of medical centers. It is the result of a job well done and recklessness, the culmination of a long process started in 2015 with the laying of the foundation stone and the signing of the agreement with the State. “At the end of this visit, the donors will have a clear heart. All arrangements are made for a perfect implementation of this project, “reassures a project engineer.

In the long term, it is a question of building and equipping 16 medical centers in the ten regions of Cameroon including the cities of Mbalmayo-Foumban; Kribi-Dschang-Kye-Ossie and kousserie. Four diagnostic centers; a central medicine center in Yaounde and a store in Ngaoundere; a mutual health insurance. The implementation of the project will be done within the framework of two components namely, first improvement of the supply of services and health care which is divided into three components: firstly the construction and equipment of the 16 centers medical; second, the construction and equipment of four diagnostic centers in Yaoundé, Douala, Bafoussam and Garoua; and thirdly the management of the said health facilities. And then, the improvement of the financial accessibility of the actors of the economy to the services by health care on two aspects of which, the sensitization of the actors of the economy and the establishment and the management of the mutual health .

In its optimal operating phase, the project will employ nearly 717 staff such as, 50 headquarters staff (in post since 1 January 2019); 528 staff for twelve medical centers; 132 staff from both diagnostic centers; and 07 staff for the central drugs.

The overall cost of the project is 305 million euros in the form of a loan from IT Huba Corporation and credit. The start of the project is estimated at 33,967,793,828 Fcfa whose realization of infrastructures amounts to 6,610,121,806 Fcfa; the equipment to 10.818.828.000 Fcfa and the operation to the height of 5.631.707.655 fcfa. The funds come mainly from the contribution of the State so the total amount is not known, but the registration is made each year in the state budget and the contribution of Camsante, through borrowing from partners financial.

Before the signing of the agreement with the Ministry of Public Health scheduled for June 19, 2019, this field visit is a step closer to the actual implementation of this project.


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