Limbe – Idenau Coastline: ASCOA Commemorates ICC 2022 In Three Beaches


The Association for Community Awareness ASCOA took three beaches by storm along the Limbe- Idenau Coastline over the weekend by cleaning them off sea debris as a commemorative activity to observe the 2022 edition of the International Coastal Clean-up Day. Over three hundred participants comprising Volunteers, ASCOA members and other partner organizations converged on the Bobende, Limbola and Etisa beaches along the Limbe – Idenau coastline for the activity. Going by one of the focus areas of ASCOA, that of environmental protection, ASCOA has as mission to save more lives in communities, thus a beach cleanup exercise is just one of the environmental protection areas that will go a long way in saving lives.

The International Coastal Cleanup Day 2022 was observed under the theme: ENGAGING VOLUNTEERS FOR A TRASH FREE COASTLINE. The volunteers and members were distributed and stationed at the various beaches. ASCOA aimed at cleaning about 300 tons of unsort waste and 2000 tons of plastics in total. The ASCOA team had it as a duty to document all trash collected from the cleanup exercise. Besides these, the ASCOA team also actively involved the local population by educating the public about the importance of keeping the coastline clean, and how to encourage others to keep the waterways free of trash. 

According to the Executive Director of ASCOA Takwi Solomon Tanue, a clean environment is good life and so living in a dirty environment is a leeway to the contraction of so many diseases, reason why ASCOA saw the need to save marine and human lives and decided to engage into a beach cleanup activity. ASCOA seeks to bring out the need to clean the coastline going by the abandoned nature of most beaches by the local population. public health officials say communities along the coastline are more prone to diseases such as cholera and so the cleaning of coastlines is of utmost importance. The environment coordinator of ASCOA Ruth Enjema Koffi noted that cleaning a coastline helps to save more lives and the initiative of ASCOA should be copied by one and sundry to make the beach sites enjoyable and serve the purpose for which they are believed to be.

A representative from the Southwest Regional Delegation of the Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development Ngomba Clara, noted that when beaches and coastlines are dirty and littered with plastics, it is harmful not only to marine lives but also to humans due to the wrong usage of sea water by the local population. So, collaborating with ASCOA permits the Ministry of the Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development to meet its full potentials, while applauding the initiative by ASCOA.

Although the event focuses on the beaches, conservation of our waters goes beyond the oceans and even those who don’t live near the sea can clean up the lakes and rivers in their community and also learn about the importance of keeping all bodies of water free from debris. Even if you don’t live near the coast, you can still participate in International Coastal Cleanup Day because about 80% of all marine debris comes from a land-based source Ruth Enjem Koffi Environment Coordinator of ASCOA added. In fact, “cleaning up your neighborhood is one of the best ways to prevent trash from entering waterways that will carry it to the ocean”.

But for some natural challenges like the heavy downpour that was thought to maybe be an obstacle for the day, the cleanup participants ended the day with a lot of satisfaction for haven being part of ICC 2022 with ASCOA.

ASCOA is a non-governmental organization which focuses on community actions and aims at creating awareness in the society which has as motto ‘‘TOGETHER WE SAVE MORE LIVES’’. ASCOA has a vision to increase self-reliance and sustainable community development in the communities they serve. ASCOA also has as mission to improve the quality of life for underserved communities by building self-reliance. The organization’s approach to sustainable development is by emphasizing on healthcare, promoting Peace Building, protecting and preserving the Environment, Women empowerment & Child support.

Frida Leyina Voma

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