South-West – Mbonge, Kumba Health Districts Witness Monkey Pox Outbreak


No death has been recorded and the Regional Delegate for Public Health said the situation is under control. 

Two cases of Monkey Pox were suspected in Mbonge and Kumba Health Districts. Following a test conducted at the Central Pasteur in Yaounde on October 8, 2022, one was negative while the other positive. By October 11, 2022, the lone case had been isolated at the Regional Hospital Annex Kumba undergoing treatment.

Dr. Eko Eko Flibert, South West Regional Delegate for Public Health, said that measures are being taken at all levels to contain the monkey pox virus and to reduce its spread. He explained that the response to an epidemic or a notifiable disease is clear and outlined within the health sector. Creating awareness on what is Monkey Pox and preventing it spread among the affected communities in particular and South West Region as a whole has begun.

Dr. Eko Eko has called on the population not to panic. That after creating awareness, public health officials will embark on investigations and follow up on Active Case Search. It entails searching for other cases which may be found in the same health districts or another health districts. Infection, Prevention and Control is another measure to contain any health epidemic. With this, disinfection and isolation of cases will be done to prevent further infections and above all advocacy will be intensified. The South West Regional Delegate for Public Health has urged all other stakeholders to come on board to contain, manage and eliminate the pathology. By October 11, 2022, a team from South West Regional Delegation was already in the concerned health districts to contain the pathology.

Monkey Pox is a viral disease that before now affected only animals. But since the 1970s, it moved from animals to humans and now it is transmitted from humans to humans. So, Monkey Pox is not a new disease. For now, the origin and evolution of the diseases cannot be aligned or attributed to any area until the results of the investigations are made known. The population is called upon to remain calm and collaborate with the health investigative teams on the field.

Frida Leyina Voma

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