Research in Traditional Medicine – Thymus Vulgaris Validated for the Treatment of Covid-19


According to the results of a recent study carried out by the Journal of Physical Medicin Rehabilitation Studies and Reports, the use of the powder of Thymus vulgaris, a medicinal plant, with antioxidant, immunomodulatory and antiviral properties, is very effective on coronavirus-induced symptoms and virus elimination.

Published on November 7, 2021, the result of this research indicates that protocol, general measures and methods are used to treat the symptoms and try to eliminate the virus according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, which has focused on training in clinical management

Entitled Efficacy and Tolerance of Thymus vulgaris extract in patients with coronavirus 2019, the study reiterates that the Thymus vulgaris has a statistically significant positive effect on cough (p <0.01), dyspnoea (p <0.001), dizziness (p <0.029), fatigue (p <0.001), anorexia (p <0.001), chest pain (p <0.001), fever (p <0.024), agueusia (p <0.029) and anosmia (p <0.001).

It also indicates a significant decrease in neutrophils (p <0.01); the lymphocyte count increased significantly (p <0.001) as did the serum calcium level (p <0.03). Blood urea level decreased significantly (p <0.01). Significant negative results of the Covid-19 PCR were obtained at Day 10 in the exposed group (p <0.001). In addition, there was no significant change in other biological parameters such as creatinine, blood glucose, aspartate amino transferase.

“WHO recommends and encourages scientific research into therapeutic avenues that can contribute to better managing this pandemic. One of the research avenues is pharmacopoeia. Plants are rich in chemical components that can reduce the pathogenicity of the virus by neutralising it through contact or by inhibiting intracellular replication. One of the plants that should be investigated for its efficacy in preventing and treating the novel corona virus is Thymus vulgaris,” the results explained.

“This edible plant contains components such as polyphenols, tannins, terpenic derivatives; and these substances, in the form of essential oils, have antiviral, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-cough effects (anti-spasmodic effect on the respiratory tract and reduction of interleukin -1 β production) Considering these respiratory and antiviral effects, we proposed to conduct a study to assess its efficacy and tolerance on Covid-19 patients,” it further explained.

It is worth recalling that this study was conducted on Covid-19 patients to investigate the therapeutic effect of Thymus vulgaris on the symptoms presented by these patients. Results show that Thymus vulgaris has a positive effect on symptoms such as fever, cough, dyspnoea, fatigue and chest pain.

Another study analysed the analgesic effect of Thymus resulting from the anti-inflammatory action brought about by decreasing interleukin 1 beta and IL-8 and intracellular. It was also noted that Thymus vulgaris induces an increase in lymphocytes which provide a better defence against the coronavirus.

Invented by Yiagnigni Mfopou E, Njouom R, Moundipa P F and Nsoufon A, the Thymus Vulgaris treatment comes to add to several already existing traditional Covid-19 products composed by other Cameroonians. Among others, we have the Elixir covid et Adsak Covid of Mgr Samuel Kleda, Kit Ngul Be Tara invented by Dr. Peyou Ndi Samba, PALUBEK’S 18g of Dr. Christian Belong Mindja, Drépénovax of Nitcheu, Corocur of Dr. Eulogy Yagnigni Mfopou and Soudicov plus of Imam Modibo Soudi.

Ingrid KENGNE 

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