World Blood Donor Day 2022 : Reasons Why you should donate your blood to others


Donating blood helps create new blood cells, reduces risk of heart attack and liver ailment, lowers cholesterol and even slows down ageing.

Donating blood is not only a noble act that helps save lives and manage certain health conditions, but it also comes with its own set of benefits for donor’s health.

The act of helping others can reduce stress and improve emotional well-being. Donating blood also helps create new blood cells, reduces risk of heart attack and liver ailment, lowers cholesterol and even slows down ageing.

« Despite many efforts by scientists we have not succeeded in finding a suitable substitute of blood. Any major blood loss can endanger life and loss of blood has to be replaced with blood which must necessarily come from another human being. Major blood loss may occur in road accidents, major life saving surgeries – including heart, liver, kidney transplants, during child birth and regular transfusions are required in medical conditions like anaemia, thalassemia, leukaemia and organ malignancies, » an expert explained.

A regular, repeated, non-remunerative and voluntary blood donation by both males and female healthy donors in the age group of 18-65 years with haemoglobin level above 12.5 gm per cent is considered safe, as they undergo repeated medical examination, including tests for safety from blood transmissible diseases.

Donating blood has benefits for both emotional and physical health, according to professionals. According to a report by the Mental Health Foundation, helping others can reduce stress, improve your emotional well-being, benefit your physical health, help get rid of negative feelings and provide a sense of belonging and reduce isolation.

The other health benefits of donating blood are: reduces risk of heart attacks and liver ailment, formation of new blood cells, reduced risk of hemochromatosis, helps maintain weight, and helps prevent premature ageing, speeds up healing process and lower cholesterol level.


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